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How to style your ties and bow ties for a wedding?

In this blog, we have a few looks and ideas to guide you with what to wear to look great as a wedding guest. Whether it's a fall, winter, spring or summer wedding, we've got you covered. We also talk about what's best for a day vs. a night wedding since the timing of the wedding plays a huge role in deciding what suits the best.

The most important component of being a wedding guest is not about the clothes you wear but it's about the attitude you carry. However, your clothes can help you a great deal in crafting your look well.

Since wedding bow ties and ties in general play a huge role in making a style statement, we will also be focussing on that element of styling.

The Perfect Tie/Bow tie

1. White Wedding Ties and Bow Ties

The White tie gives you one of the fanciest looks at the wedding as they will require you to break out your usual dressing sense. There are many ways in which you can style a white tie and let us walk you through a few of them. Remember that an important element of dressing well is having fun with what you wear and you should be comfortable. So while we walk you through the various looks with wedding ties, you must pick a look that expresses your personality the best and suits the ambiance of the wedding.


White Tie with a white dapper

This look with white wedding tie is perfect for summers and spring and goes really well for day wedding functions. You can pair the white hex tie with a black shirt and a stylish white dapper. 

To sum up, this look involves-

  • Black Shirt
  • White Hextie
  • White Dapper

White Hex tie with blue blazer

Royal Blue Blazers have an amazing charm which makes them perfect for almost every occasion. You can never go wrong with them. But you can definitely experiment with them. The look that we are suggesting involves pairing it with a perfect white hex tie and a classic plain white shirt.

The best part about this look is that it is great for daytime but also works for an evening function too. And you can carry it well in summer as well as winters.

To sum up, this look involves-

  • A royal blue blazer
  • White Hex tie
  • Plain White Shirt

White Bow Tie

The looks we talked about before were quite modest. But if you are dressing up for a close wedding, there is an exciting look that we want to share with you. It involves you dressing in a perfect white tuxedo and pair it with a beautifully crafted white bow tie. The slight black lining on the collar is an absolute must if you are going for this all white look because it will add on to the overall look. Also, ensure that it is paired with a well fitted plain white shirt. And you are perfect to go well dressed. 

To sum up, this look involves-

  • A white tuxedo with black collars
  • White Bow Tie
  • Plain White Shirt

White Tuxedo with white bow tie

You can also choose this all white look. All you need for this look is a classic looking plain white tuxedo.

To sum up, this look involves-

  • A white tuxedo
  • White Bow Tie
  • Plain White Shirt


white bow tie with blue tuxAnother cool way to style white bow tie for a wedding is by pairing it with a navy blue suit or tuxedo. Just ensure that the suit fabric has a bit of a shine to it otherwise it won't match up to the look needed to compliment the bow tie.

To sum up, this look involves-

  • A navy blue tuxedo
  • White Bow Tie
  • Plain White Shirt

Now those were the looks that you could use if you wanted to stick to the eleganceof a white tie. But even if white tea is not something that fits your taste, we have a lot more options for you.

2. Black Wedding Ties and Bow Ties

black suit with black hex tie

The good thing about the black and white look is that you can never go wrong with it. The good thing is that it will often make you look like just another person at the wedding. So what can you do to stand out? Maybe try pairing it with a black hex tie rather than pairing it with an ordinary black tie. Also, go for a slightly glazed and patterned suit/dapper rather than going for ordinary fabric.

To sum up, this look involves-

  • A stylish black dapper
  • Black Hex tie
  • Plain White Shirt

Black bow tie with black suit

There are more than one ways to pep up the all black and white look to make it fashionable and elegant enough for the wedding. And probably one of the best ways to do so it by using a royal black bow tie that is crafted perfectly. 

The best part is that for this outfit you need not worry about whether it is a day wedding or a night wedding. You need not even bother about which time of the year it is and what season is going on because this is an evergreen look.

  • A stylish black suit
  • Black bow tie
  • Plain White Shirt


If you are someone who is not easily pleased with ordinary looks and are bold enough to experiment, try pairing a black bow tie with a shiny suit for your next wedding function. This look can compliment you really well if you have the physique and the attitude needed to carry it well.

  • A metallic bluish gray coat
  • Black bow tie
  • Plain White Shirt

One of the biggest dilemna occur when you are trying to decide for a summer daytime wedding. Overdressing draws unnecessary attention and you could stand out oddly. One of the best ways to dress for summer weddings is to pick up lighter shades. This pink suit is a very subtle way of dressing up but it does make a huge style statement when paired with the perfect black hex tie.

  • A pastel shade of pink coat
  • Black bow tie
  • Plain White Shirt

An all white look never disappoints. The perfect way to jazz it up is to pair it with black hex tie. This look is perfect for summer weddings. And you can pair it with navy blue pants to ensure that whole white and black thing doesn't make the entire look bland and boring.

  • A white coat
  • Black hex tie
  • Plain White Shirt

Right Attitude

The right attitude is just as necessary as the clothing you wear because no look is complete without that.

When talking about the right attitude that one should carry while preparing for a wedding, I would like to quote words from a famous stylist Chris from Cladwell Team quotes, "attitude of honor, respect, and being able to serve the family and the bride and groom who are there. That's your job as an attendant to the wedding. That's probably the most important you can do if you go in with that attitude. You're there for a couple of reasons, to serve, to show honor, respect, to be a witness to the vows that are actually being made in a covenant relationship that's coming together."

I think one should always remember this as the right attitude and carry it along with the perfect look for the wedding.


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