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Top 10 Style Hacks for Men

1. Maintain your denim by freezing them

freeze denims

This style hack, despite sounding a little crazy is indeed useful in maintaining the quality of your jeans. All that you need to do is brush off your jeans, fold them, put them in a plastic bag, push all its air out and keep it in the freezer. The cold temperature plays an important role here by killing all the bacteria you picked while wearing it hence increasing the overall life of the denim. However, this method can not be used to remove the stain obviously.

This method helps you get rid of the bad odour and helps in retaining the natural dye of the fabric. Even with this overnight freezing routine, it is recommended that the jeans be washed based on the frequency of the wear. 

For details about how exactly you should go about the entire cold freezing process, you can follow this link.

2. Keeping your shirt tucked in

shirt tucker

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For those of us who are style conscious and aim to look our best at all times, keeping our shirts perfectly tucked in is an important aspect of dressing well. No one really likes the uncomfortable feeling associated with having to tuck in the shirt every once in a while.

You see celebrities and other perfectly dressed people whose attires are always neat with their shirts tucked in at all times while you always end up feeling slightly sloppy with your shirt slipping out every once in a while. Even worse, it develops creases with the many efforts to tuck it in.

You wonder if there is an element that you are missing out on like an undisclosed secret and maybe you are right. And we are here to give an answer.

What is that element you might ask? This important element for your wardrobe is a pair of Tucked Trunks. Tucked trunks is a boxer brief that is specially designed to solve the problem of keeping the shirt neatly tucked in.

3. Hack the perfect tie


Ties are an important element of a man’s wardrobe but too many things go into making that perfect look. The width of the tie should be perfect, the color should match perfectly, the knot should be perfect and most importantly, the length should be perfect.

So here we summarize the hacks for you. The length of the tie should be such that it reaches the buckle. The width of the tie should be around 2 and a half inches. 

When it comes to the colors and patterns, if you want to stick to safe options go for dark solid colors or subtly patterned ones. 

4. Keep your shirt sleeves perfectly rolled

rolled sleeves shirt

It is one of the most annoying things to see your shirt sleeves roll down again and again. Maybe you are doing it all in the wrong way.

The usual way is to fold the cuff up once, and you keep on folding up until you get to your elbow. But here’s a hack for you.

The hack is called the Double Fold-Over Method. In this method you to:

  • fold up your shirt sleeve until the cuff hits the crease of your elbow (elbow pit? whatever)
  • from there, take the fabric that is lowest down on your arm (probably mid-forearm at this point), and fold that up towards your elbow pit

This rolling style is much more secure and prevents the unnecessary hassle of folding it again and again.

5. The perfect shirt fit hack

Fitted shirt

How often have you purchased a shirt thinking it was a perfect fit only to realize later that it is indeed too tight. This happens usually because we try on the shirt while standing and that’s really not the best way.

So what is the hack?

Keep two things in mind while trying to purchase a shirt. Firstly, you should sit down to understand if it is fitting your perfectly. As our bodies are slimmer while standing than sitting, trying shirts while standing might lead you into buying a smaller size. And second thing is that you must shop during later hours of the day, preferably post lunch to ensure that the shirt fits you even at the hour at which your stomach is full.

6. The shoe lace hack

shoe laces tie

If you are someone who spends their time retying their shoe laces that tend to loosen up for no reason despite trying multiple times, then this hack is for you.

For you need to do is master the “Double Loop”. The idea is to re-tie the bunny ears of the first loop into yet another knot and loop. This kind of knot is much better than the regular knot and perfect hack for keeping your laces tied at all times.

7. The throw your elbow hack

Well, it is not always the most convenient option to actually try on a pair of pants to ensure that they fit you. It is for this reason that the throw your elbow hack exists. 

As it turns out, the length of an arm from elbow to fist is roughly the size of an average man’s waist. Ensure the button and fly are done all the way and if your arm slides in comfortably, so should your butt.

8. Pack your blazer right

Blazer is a man’s glory but the biggest pain point with the blazer is that it is incredibly hard to carry it without creating creases. So, here is a hack to help you pack and carry your blazer perfectly. Just watch this video and your life will never be the same.

9. Use white wine to wash those red wine stains

Things sometimes go a bit out of hand and the next thing you know, your favorite shirt is stained with red wine. 

But there is no need to worry because a simple hack can help you get through this difficult situation. 

Just use white wine to dissolve the anthocyanin that gives red wine its color. Though this has been proven by some internet geniuses already we must stress that you should wash your garment immediately in stain-removing detergent after using the white wine to avoid bleached stains. This will show even on a white shirt so be wary on how long you leave it soaked to avoid permanent damage in the name of cleaning.

10. Use your cologne right

How long the smell of your cologne stays not only depends on the quality of your cologne but also on the places of your body where you apply it. Apply it on the less conventional areas on your body to ensure the pleasant waft lingers for longer. The chest and biceps are usually good places to start as opposed to your neck and wrists as the rate of evaporation is slower.







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